Meaning of (विकसित हो जाना) vikasit ho jana in english

As noun : blossom
Other :
bud Ex:  We see in the bud the first outlines chicken evolve Ex:  We have to think about its meaning and evolve a definition . develop Ex:  Buddhist art continued to develop in India for a few more centuries. advance Ex:  It also means the moment fixed in advance for a payment
Suggested : to move or bring forward to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of bring to a more advanced or effective state to develop gradually Botany
a small axillary or terminal protuberance on a plant, containing rudimentary foliage (leaf bud) the rudimentary inflorescence (flower bud) or both (mixed bud) the flower of a plant, especially of one producing an edible fruit
Exampleविकसित हो जाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(विकसित हो जाना) vikasit ho jana can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 14 including consonants matras. Transliteration : vikasita ho jaanaa

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